CrossFit LoLo Covid-19 Update | As of March 15
During these uncertain times, CrossFit LoLo is in action against COVID-19. We are staying up to date on all Public Health Agency of Canada, Island Health, WHO, and the BC CDC information in order to prioritize your health and the health of our Team. As the situation unfolds, we are monitoring only credible sources and are working closely with our Health Authorities and other locally owned Fitness Studios to keep you safe. According to the BC Centre for Disease Control, they “encourage people to engage in their usual activities, including recreational and leisure activities while practicing common sense approaches to prevent infection and transmission.”
Since the threat of the coronavirus emerged, CrossFit LoLo has acted consistent with Health Authorities and reinforced our already substantial hygiene protocols to keep you safe and healthy. Further steps we’re taking:
- Reducing the number of classes by 50% to promote less interpersonal and equipment interaction (as of March 14th currently to the 26th)
- Cancelled Teens and Kids classes (as of March 14th currently to the 26th)
- Minimizing equipment sharing and partner workouts with re progamming of class workouts
- Getting rid of towel service until further notice
- Wiping down all equipment (before, after, between classes)
- Wiping down all touch points (doors, counters, benches, switches etc.
- Advising and enforcing our members/staff to wash their hands before/after entering the gym as well as to sanitize their stations and to remain home if unwell.
- Adam and Kelsey remain in self-quarantine away from the gym for two weeks following their return from the Brazil CrossFit Championship
- We are offering at-home workout programming to support everyone’s fitness and mental well-being during these crazy times!
Please be advised that we will remain open for those who wish to attend until we are directed otherwise by credible Health Authorities. As a small business, the unfortunate reality is we also have a financial duty to our Team and local economy to remain open.
This is a decision based on direction from credible Health Authorities; however, if you do not feel comfortable, if you are sick, or spend time around vulnerable populations, we recommend that you stay home.
We will continue to remain committed to serving our members and educate our community from credible sources as more information becomes available to us.
If you or someone you know is concerned they may have been exposed to, or is experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, please contact your health care provider or call 8-1-1.
We want to extend a huge thank you to all of your love notes, support and interest in the gym at this time, it goes a long way!
Love, LoLo
In the meantime, here are some of my favourite community photos (plus one puppy) to acknowledge that it’s community that will help us all get through this so we can party again on the other side!
For more information please visit:
Public Health Agency of Canada
World Health Organization
Island Health

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