Congratulations to all our participated in our 6 Month Anniversary Challenge!
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Hard work pays off, and it particularly showed for our 3 winners of our 6 month anniversary challenge. Congrats to Tiffany coming in smooth like peanut butter and winning 3rd place of a year supply of Fatso Peanut Butter, Viki jetting past into 2nd for a Fuel supplement package, and our grand prize winner Brittany Goud smashing first place out of the park and winning herself a LoLo prize pack valued at $800!
But at LoLo winning isn’t everything, we believe in elevating one another mentally and physically in order to see our potential & motivate each other, to take action, To encourage vulnerability, community resilience and to live healthier more enriched lives of our own design. Thats why were offering a free personal training session to our top 10 runners ups! Congrats!!
Thank you to all our local sponsors, including Fatso peanut butter, Priority One Nutrition, Kirby Bohan Sports Massage, Fuel Supplements and life coaching with Jess Blue. We cannot express enough our gratitude for our amazing team at LoLo as well as the fun-loving and inspiring community of athletes that have formed here. It wouldn’t be love on before lift on without all of you.
Our Third place winner Viki had this to say about her experience during the May Challenge:
“The fact that I pushed through was one of the most benefiting experiences. Being the person who used to quit everything that I didn’t like, it was interesting to watch myself get over that hump. Cause let’s be honest – I mean a hundred burpees a day is f*cking painful man (laughs). However, I still wanted to do it. It was a self contest of my own life. I think this month really taught me that I’m afraid of quitting. That’s why these goals were so important to me.”
To read more about Viki’s experience, check out her “Humans of LoLo” interview blog post!

Our Grand Prize winner – Brittany Goud!

Britt’s Family coming out to acknowledge her win!
As a reminder, here is what they had to go through:
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Omg that photo of my family! My heart just exploded. Thank you Kelsey!!
[…] we love to have fun, run challenges and throw amazing parties to celebrate our members and raise support for local causes. Our book […]
[…] we love to have fun, run challenges and throw amazing parties to celebrate our members and raise support for local causes. Our book […]